Hurricane Irma Update on Golf Course

Hurricane Irma update of course

I must say that the past 10 days have not been easy as we all waited on Hurricane Irma to pick a path as we prepared as best as we could for an unknown target. We are glad that everyone was able to get to safety as we are hoping everyone had minor property damage if any. We know that some were luckier than others and our thoughts and prayers are with our friends and family who may have been in Irmas way. The MOC Clubhouse escaped with minor exterior damage but the golf course was not as lucky. We have lost quite a few grandfather oak trees that very much framed the golf course. At first count there are 54 trees that have either blown over or snapped in 1/2. We had started clean up as we first must wait again for the golf course to dry out. Unfortunately we have taken another 5 inches of rain in the past 48 hours and we can not get on the golf course with any machinery for removal. Heavy machinery would damage many areas out on the course. We have ordered dumpsters for debris clean up as there is a bunch. Hole number 11 has littered the fairway that grass is barely visible. We have had mowers out as the greens , tees and fairways are really in fantastic shape. Grass has really filled in on our collars and roughs so we are getting the golf course back together. Some trees that have fallen have pulled up electric wires for our irrigation so right now we have no power to it.
We will do our best to continue this process and keep everyone up to date as to when we would be able to reopen.
Thank you very much and be safe.
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