May Golf at The MOC
We have now laser leveled 70,000 square feet of teeing grounds at The MOC. We have some temporary tees but have also sodded tees on every hole. We are currently sprigging the rest of the tees and should be done with our grow-in by mid July. We are currently verticutting fairways to create a better rough coverage as we have killed almost all of the weeds that had taken over the course. As we continue to water in the rest of the tees we will be cutting them down to be able to provide a great plating suraface. Our greens are the some of the best around and our fairways are up there with them. With the dry condition the course is truly great. For the Month of MAY we are running a special of $29.50 plus tax before 12:00 and $24.50 after 12. This is our renovation special . The temporary tees are on holes 1,5,7,8,9,and 13. We hope to be off of them very soon. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to improve everyday as our goal was the Ben one of the best on the gulf coast of Florida.