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A new practice method helps you learn faster by — get this — avoiding the sweet spot. Here’s how.

1. The theory

Instead of trying to pound the sweet spot practice swing after practice swing at the range, try catching a few on the heel and toe as well. By giving your brain multiple reference points to think about, you force it to work harder — so you can learn faster! It’s called variable training. Multiple studies prove that it can be wildly effective.

2. How to put it to good use

Tee the ball in its regular spot and try hitting it off the toe. After a few attempts, switch it up: Hit some clankers off the heel. Then go back to your quest to locate the center. For a real test, tee two balls off the clubface and see if you can knock them in tandem. Now you’re really putting your noggin to work! If you can teach yourself to create off-center hits on command, it’ll be easier to find the center when it counts.

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Source: Golf Digest

Eliminate your hook with a simple grip change

A strong grip is by far the most common error I see with players who curve the ball too much from right to left. The right hand drifts to the right–away from the target–and moves underneath the club, as shown in the photograph below. With the right hand in this position, it will tend to turn over too much through impact. Because the position of the right palm roughly replicates the clubface, it’s easy to see why this turning over of the right hand causes the clubface to close and the ball to curve left.

To calm that hook down to a manageable draw, adjust your right hand to a more neutral position, as I’m demonstrating above. Turn it toward the target, so you can’t see your left thumb when you’ve made your completed grip. I also like to put my right index finger in a “trigger” position under the handle, which supports the club through the swing. If the finger wraps around the grip too much, the club tends to get loose at the top.

Link to article: Click here